October 2, 2014 “Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne released mandate letters to her cabinet ministers on September 25, 2014, outlining key priorities for each ministry. Premier Wynne’s marching orders include many…
“New Strategy Will Harness Research, Innovation to Create Strong, Green Economy September 22, 2014 11:00 A.M. Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change Glen Murray is at Climate Week in…
“ECHA has launched a public consultation on its  draft recommendation of new substances to be included in the Authorisation List. Comments can be submitted by 30 November 2014. In parallel,…
“(Approved by His Honour the Lieutenant Governor in Council dated August 19, 2014.) Pursuant to section 25 of the Environmental Protection Act R.S.P.E.I. 1988, Cap. E-9, Council made the following…
Recycling Containers Protects the Environment and Creates Employment April 17, 2014 11:15 a.m. Ministry of the Environment “Thanks to Ontario residents, two billion alcohol containers have been recycled into new…
March 31, 2013 Ι News Release: Government of Canada Tables Legislation to Improve Labelling and Classification of Workplace Chemicals “Proposed changes deliver on key Regulatory Cooperation Council initiative” As part…
February 24, 2014 Ι Northern Contaminants Program “The Northern Contaminants Program (NCP) co-ordinates Canada’s action on northern contaminants, including Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and mercury, both nationally and internationally. The…
March 3, 2014  | Environmental Emergency Regulations “Letter of Intent to Consult on the Proposed Amendments  to the Environmental Emergency Regulations under the Canadian  Environmental Protection Act, 1999 In…
January 15, 2014 Ι Ontario Giving Postsecondary Students More Flexibility “January 13, 2014 1:10 p.m. Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities                        Ontario is creating a Centre of Excellence for Online…
January 9, 2014Ι Chemical Management Plan Progress Report “The first issue of the Chemicals Management Plan Progress Report has been published.  The report will be published twice a year.” Read…